Govedarou Art Gallery presents in its space at Georgiou Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), in co-organization with the group of woodturners "Synthesis" an exhibition of its members with the title: "Synthesis", curated by the artist and owner of the galleryNatasa Govedarou.The opening of the exhibition will take place on November 21, 2023, from 18:30-21:00 and will last until December 8.

A few words about the “Synthesis” team:

"Greek artists influenced by history, nature, emotions and cosmic totality, united by their passion for the art of woodturning and woodcarving, translate their dreams into reality.With wood canvas, designs, colors, shapes, trends and ideas are captured and embodied creating art palettes, which will take you to unique destinations of thoughts and emotions."

Participants :

Alitsios Sakis, Annikas Deuterios Kostantinos, Kapetanos George, Karellis Lefteris, Marios Karpikoudis, Thodoris Katsamakis, George Kotsioris, Pagonis Vangelis, Giannis Panopoulos, Alexandros Papadopoulos, Nikolaos Chouliaras

Co-organization: “Synthesis”

Duration: 21 November to 8 December 2023

Opening: Tuesday 21 November, time 18:30 – 21.00

At Govedarou Art Gallery G.Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), Georgiou stop

Curator of the exhibition: Natasa Govedarou

Govedarou Art Gallery presents in its gallery space at Georgiou Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), the solo exhibition of the visual artist Nana Winter-Georgiadou entitled: "Unseen", curated by the visual artist and owner of the gallery Natasa Govedarou. The opening of the exhibition will take place on October 31, 2023, at 18.30-21.00 and will last until November 14.

Dr. Art History Katia Kilesopoulou notes in her review about this new series of works that will be part of this solo exhibition by Nana Winter-Georgiadou: "... The sizes of the paintings range from medium to very large while the oil, most often diluted, it is the permanent material that the painter skillfully handles. The transition to abstraction was already accomplished from the previous period. During the last five years it has been presented in two different versions. In one, geometric color types, bands on a vague background extend diagonally that meet, like the rafters of H. Hartung, but having lost their hard morphoplasticity through the refined and transparent color treatment. In this way, a monumental space is created - which is intensified due to the large dimensions - emphatically expansive and dynamic, where the multiple directions symbolize all kinds of "paths", suitable for various interpretations. In the other version, there are sometimes suffocatingly structured surfaces like a moving mosaic of colors, worked in overlapping layers, and sometimes various color types, morphs, graphics, survivals of themes from the previous period, create compositions that develop rhythmically and, in some cases, explosively. Remarkable in these compositions is the sensation presented as if it were reflections on a glass or water surface, thanks to the peculiar color smudging....”

Duration: 31 October to 14 November 2023

Opening: Tuesday 31 October 2023, time 18:30 – 21.00

At Govedarou Art Gallery G.Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), Georgiou stop

Curator of the exhibition: Natasa Govedarou

Space opening hours:Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 11 am- 2 p.m.

Tuesday, Thursday: 11 am- 2 p.m.& 6 p.m.- 8 p.m.

Saturday: 11 am- 2 p.m.

Closed on Sundays

Govedarou Art Gallery, G.Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), Georgiou stop,

PO:54645,Thessaloniki, T:2314015613,, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,

Communication sponsors: Thessculture, Fox24 & Newsgr4you

Govedarou Art Gallery presents in its space at Georgiou Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), the group art exhibition entitled: "CHAOS", curated by the artist and owner of the gallery Natasa Govedarou. The opening of the exhibition will take place on May 4, 2023, from 18.00-21.00 and will last until May 19.
Curator Natasa Govedarou notes about the theme of the exhibition. "CHAOS. The range for drawing ideas is very large and can vary in terms of performance in emotion, concept, mood, etc. In this group exhibition of ours, the viewer can see through the works of the participating visual artists their approach to the subject that may have a social , scientific, astronomical or even mythological dimension."

Participating artists:John Abbott, Bibekananda Santra, Gabriel Simoens, Nana Winter-Georgiadou, Adamantidis Yiannis, Gerouki Zoi, Govedarou Natasa, Gogalis Konstantinos, Zacharoudis Stelios, Karkatselis Vassilis, Michaelidou Nina, Papatrezi Stefania, Taxos Panagiotis, Tubekis Charalambos, Georgia Trouli
Duration: 4-19 May 2023
Opening: Thursday 4 May 2023, 18:00 – 21:00
At Govedarou Art Gallery G.Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), Georgiou stop

Τ:2314015613,  www.govedaroufineartgallery.comThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,

Curator of the exhibition: Natasa Govedarou
Media sponsors: Thessculture, Newsgr4you & Fox24

Govedarou Art Gallery presents in its premises at Georgiou Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), the art exhibition entitled: "MINI SOLOS", curated by the artist and owner of the gallery Natasa Govedarou.The opening of the exhibition will take place on March 2, 2023, from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and will last until March 24.

The theme of this exhibition is free and only 15 visual artists will participate with their works.These are essentially small individual exhibitions where visual artists will be able to show their technique with one or more themes in a beautiful presentation in a space of 2 meters wide that they will have at their disposal.

Participating artists:

Reiner Langer, Dieter Vorkoetter, Androulaki Pelagia, Giakamozi Silia, Yarenzidis Vasilios, Gogalis Konstantinos, Zacharoudis Stelios, Kalfopoulou Olga, Luxon Annita, Michaelidou Nina, Papa Stella, Peponidis Tasos, Taxos Panagiotis, Trouli Georgia, Hatzichristou Olga

Duration: 2 – 24 March 2023

Opening: Thursday, March 2, 2023, time 18:00 – 21:00

At Govedarou Art Gallery G.Papandreou 5 (formerly Antheon), Georgiou stop

Curator of the exhibition: Natasa Govedarou

2 - 22 February 2023

Natasa Govedarou, visual artist, curator and owner of Govedarou Art Gallery, organizes the group exhibition in the gallery space.The theme of this group exhibition is "Air, Fire, Water, Earth".The following text may facilitate the visual artist in the inspiration of the theme chosen for this exhibition.It is important to emphasize that this philosophy of the 4 elements of nature is found in all cultures deep in human history and is not limited only to the ancient Greeks.

The teaching and symbolism of the four elements is something that until recently caused laughter and ironic comments from researchers.Most people could not perceive the value of a symbology foreign to the logic of the 19th and 20th centuries, as rationalism had watered their minds.Allegories and symbolism for the 4 elements are found in numerous cultures throughout the earth.

According to the ontological theory of the four elements the whole world is fundamentally structured by four basic elements.From these, their interactions and mixtures are built all the material and immaterial, visible and invisible objects of the Universe.The four elements have the following names:

• the air

• the fire

• the water

• the earth

The terms refer to the corresponding physical concepts of fire, gases, water and earth, due to similar properties, but in reality these are supposed ontologically fundamental components of nature and not the familiar concepts of everyday life.

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News & Exhibitions



Govedarou Art Gallery

Address: 5, G. Papandreou

54645 Thessaloniki, Greece

Tel: 0030 2314 015613



Open hours:

Monday - Wednesday and Friday: 11.00 - 14.00

Tuesday - Thursday: 11.00 - 14.00 & 18.00 - 20.00

Saturday: 11.00 - 14.00 (only when there are exhibitions running)

Sunday closed